Gravestone 43

Gravestone 44
Gravestones No. 43-44 are the children of Richard Augustus (gravestone No. 42) and Lottie Lees (née Gadsby) Spencer (gravestone No. 43).

Richard Augustus is the first son of Anna Maria (pronounce Mar-eye-ah) and John Johnson Spencer (shared gravestone No. 8).
Anna Maria is the daughter of Richard Anthony Spencer (gravestone No. 7) and Ann Almy (née Tarbox) Spencer.
Richard Anthony Spencer is the first son of Richard Anthony (“Deacon”) (gravestone No. 6) and Roby (née Tarbox) Spencer (gravestone No. 5).
Richard Anthony (“Deacon”) Spencer is the fourth son of John (gravestone No. 2) and Huldah (née Johnson) Spencer (gravestone No. 1).
“Spencer, Johnson, Goff, Tarbox, Whitford, and Gadsby descendants, if you have any additional information on Amy and/or Annie, please add a comment to this web site or their individual web page and the web site editor will add this to the site. Thanks.”