No. 53 Audra Eleanor Spencer

no-53-audra-eleanor-spencer-0326According to Audrey Mae’s artistically designed cemetery map and Audrey Mae’s gravestone numbering system in her Spencer Family Cemetery, Audra Eleanor Spencer’s gravestone is Gravestone Number Fifty-Three. Using her Smith-Corona typewriter in the late 1980s, Audrey Mae typed the following mini-biography of Audra Eleanor, a seventh-generation Spencer in East Greenwich, Rhode Island:ams-53-audra-eleanor-spencer

(2012 update:  From the gravestone reading and from Bruce MacGunnigle’s book, Audra’s year of death appears to be 1891. )

Bruce MacGunnigle – 59

Audra was the daughter of Richard Anthony (“Deacon”) (No. 6)  and Roby (No. 5) Spencer.  Audrey abbreviated the word Deacon with the three letters “Dec.” in her reporting. Audrey Mae’s records show that Audra (No. 53) was married to Benjamin Spencer (No. 54). amss-gravestones-53-54-married

Audra Eleanor and Benjamin Spencer’s children in the Spencer Family Cemetery:





Audra Eleanor and Benjamin Spencer’s grandchildren by daughter Evelyn Spencer are Robert Rathbun (Gravestone No. 55), Alfred V. Rathbun (Gravestone No. 56) and Wilfred Raymond Rathbun (Gravestone No.63) who died as a baby and is related to this line.

Although Audrey Mae does not mention this in Roby Alice’s mini-biography, web site author believes that Roby Alice (née Spencer) Rathbun (gravestone No. 48) is also a daughter of Audra Eleanor and Benjamin.  Audrey Mae mentions that two Spencer sisters married two Rathbun brothers.  The Rathbun brothers’, John’s and George’s, news articles  mentions the brothers marrying two daughters,  Alice and Evelyn, of Benjamin Spencer.

Spencer, Johnson, Goff and Tarbox descendants, if you have any additional information on Audra Eleanor Spencer, please add a comment to this web site and the web site editor will add this to the site.  Thanks!”