No. 4 Captain John

According to Audrey Mae’s artistic map diagram, Capt. John’s gravestone is Gravestone Number Four.  Using a Smith-Corona typewriter in the 1980s, Audrey Mae typed the following mini-biography of Capt. John:


Captain John is in the sixth-generation of Spencers in East Greenwich, R.I.

Bruce MacGunnigle -12

Because Audrey Mae descends from Captain John’s brother, Richard Anthony (“Deacon”) Spencer, she mentions this in Captain John’s mini-biography above.  Audrey Mae abbreviates the word Deacon as “Dec.” when describing her great, great grandfather, who is in her and her two siblings’ direct line.

Captain John Spencer was the first son of Huldah and John Spencer.  He was married to Phebe Vaughn whose gravestone is Number Three in Audrey Mae’s numbering system.  Audrey Mae prints the letter “M” to the left of the couple’s mini-biographies and draws a connecting line to show that both husband and wife are buried in the Spencer Family Cemetery.amss-3-phebe-4-capt-john

Gravestones No.16-22 in Audrey Mae’s gravestone numbering system are the children of Captain John  and Phebe.



“Spencer, Johnson, Goff and Vaughn descendants, if you have any additional information on Captain John Spencer, please add a comment to this web site and the web site editor will add to the site.  Thanks!